The state legislative session of 2023 has gotten off to a fast start, thanks to single-party alignment among the legislative and executive branches and we, as a coalition, are developing a strategy about how best to restructure our bill to advance in this new context. You will hear more about our bill in the near future. In the meantime, the MSSC steering committee has identified three pieces of legislation that we are encouraging coalition members to lend their voices and presence to supporting as all these bills will help protect our immigrant communities from ICE detention and deportation.
Our three priority bills are:
Driver’s Licenses for All (HF 4 / SF 27) – Restores the right for undocumented Minnesotans to be issued a driver’s license thus allowing them to legally drive again. This would give our immigrant neighbors the ability to care for their families, give employers access to much needed workers, and make our roads safer. Success!!
MinnesotaCare Public Option (HF 96 / SF 49) – Expands access to affordable healthcare for low- and middle-income Minnesotans, including the undocumented, and creates a buy-in for small business owners. (See previous post for more details.)
Gross Misdemeanor Sentencing Reform (HF 43 / SF 816) – Reduces the maximum sentence for gross misdemeanors from 365 to 364 days. This would free up criminal justice resources, remove barriers for people who’ve made mistakes in life to access federal programs, and would protect a number of our immigrant neighbors from deportation.
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