MinnesotaCare Buy-In
Fact Sheet
Everyone deserves affordable, quality healthcare.
Across race, income, and zip code every person deserves access to healthcare, no exception. We know that our families, economy, and local communities are stronger when we all have access to truly affordable, high-quality healthcare that supports our health and wellbeing. It's time to pass a MinnesotaCare Buy-In this session to allow more Minnesotans access to affordable, comprehensive healthcare. MinnesotaCare was established in 1992 and is funded through state, federal, and enrollee contributions.
What is MinnesotaCare?
Established in 1992 with bipartisan leadership, MinnesotaCare is a public healthcare program for low-income working individuals. It is funded through state, federal, and enrollee contributions.
The MinnesotaCare Buy-In proposal would:
● Expand access to affordable healthcare by allowing middle-income Minnesotans struggling to afford high deductible plans on the individual market to buy-in to MinnesotaCare.
● Expand eligibility to include undocumented Minnesotans currently excluded from Minnesota Health Care Programs.
● Offer temporary assistance to help individuals and small businesses afford healthcare while the buy-in is being implemented.
● Create a path toward alternative care delivery systems that will work with providers to improve health outcomes, health equity, and access while maintaining affordability for the state and enrollees.
The MinnesotaCare Buy-In has strong support.
Since its introduction in 2016, a MinnesotaCare Buy-In has had strong support from across the state. Supporters include: family farmers, small business owners, artists, entrepreneurs, retired Minnesotans who do not yet qualify for Medicare, labor unions, community organizations, health equity groups, and healthcare professionals.
Health equity requires action.
Our health and wellbeing is interconnected. Minnesota has explicit health equity goals--but state law excludes undocumented immigrant community members, many of whom are people of color and essential workers, from accessing Minnesota Health Care Programs, and high deductible insurance plans cut many Minnesotans from getting the care they need. This proposal takes critical action to ensure our public healthcare system and the MinnesotaCare Buy-In leaves nobody out.
91% of Minnesotan surveyed believe the government should expand insurance options so that everyone can afford quality care.
(Healthcare Value Hub Survey, Nov2020)Contact Robert Haider robert@takeactionminnesota.org or Sarah Greenfield sgreenfield@